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Monday, February 22, 2010

Feb 22-10

Here we are Mon. and it starts all over again. As you guessed we didn't get discharged from the hospital this weekend, not on Mon, and not to sure with Tue. Her lung just will not stay up. We also talked with her main Dr. this afternoon and found out which type of cancer it is. It is not curable. All we can do is try and slow it down. WE had a snow storm over night so it wasn't nice driving in this morning. Well my eyes are playing tricks on me, so off to bed. 5:30pm See ya


  1. OH dear, Oh dear, kinda of what I was expecting to hear--hopefully, the lung will get up and running-any suggestions to help it? Will talk when it's not so hectic for you. Hopefully, you can get a good night sleep--we are walking right beside you two-hold on tight and we'll see this through together. Love ya two. Sleep tight. Connie & Lee

  2. Chris...nothing is "incurable". Don't listen to the doctors...I want you to get a copy of The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, the audio book is much better to listen to, you get a lot more out of it. You must be postive, have nothing by positive thoughts, surround yourself with nothing by positive people! Watch Comedy movies only - laugh, laugh, laugh! You musnt let any negative feelings or negative ANYTHING in you life now. Trust me...I know what I'm talking about. You are a beautiful person inside and out and don't you forget it! Raphael the Archangel of Healing is to him.
