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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Feb 24-10

This is just a repeat of yesterday. The Dr. was just here and said that the lung looks much better and we may go home Thurs. if the X-ray at 3:00pm is good. Chris is feeling gooood today and we walked up and down the hall a couple of times. Also, she is now able to move her head left and right without it making her dizzy. It sure is nice to post early, so I'll just say keep those prayers coming. Thank You. Rog


  1. So glad your feeling better today Chris! And getting some walking in. Good to keep your strength up. Sending rays of sun via the blog to you two. Prayers for the going home tomorrow sent directly up to the man in charge. Love ya guys. Connie & Lee

  2. You go girl!!!! Chris you are an incredible lady and we love you.

    Mary F.

  3. Hi Chris,
    Good to hear some positive news! We've been following your progress and hoping for the best. Hang in there. There will be better days ahead. Talked to Roger last night. He was tired but more upbeat than last week. Will call when you are feeling a little better. Thinking of you daily. Love, Carl & Carol

  4. We can't wait to have you home Grammy! We miss you!
    Parker and Channing....
