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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Feb 23-10

Yep, she didn't get to come home today. Looks like they will put a larger tube in the chest to make this lung come up, so maybe Thur. Pastor Betsy was with us today and we shared the greatest love God has to offer. Thank you Pastor. WE both felt better after. Chris has five more Rads, then we meet with Dr. Vanderwoude to go over the options we have. This will happen Mar 4-10. People ask what can we do? Just Prayers And Love. Thank You Rog


  1. Chris has tons of our prayers and always has our love! You have lots of friends out here, Chris. We love you and are pulling for you. Thank you, Roger, for the updates.

  2. Thanks for the updates Roger... You and Chris are in our daily prayers. If there is anything we can do to help out... please let us or Pastor Betsy know... Deb Richardson

  3. So glad to here Pastor Betsy was there today-glad to hear they will put in a larger tube--just know that your church family and friends and family are there cheering you guys on and we are so happy you are more than half thorough the rad--Dr. VanderWoude will give good choices for the next round and know your postive attitudes will move you through the next round. We are right by beside you. We did this before, remember. We'll do it again! Love ya guys. Sleep tight. Lee & Connie
